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Bilateral relations established with Austenasia and other nations in the month of April


By the Chief Editor

29 April 2021, Rajagriha: The month of April has been a very important month for Vishwamitra in many ways. It was in this month that the nation celebrated its 14th National Day which marked the glorious completion of the 13 years of Vishwamitra as a sovereign nation. Apart from this, this month has been significantly important and remarkable for the nation's foreign affairs and diplomacy.

On 2 April, formal bilateral and diplomatic relations were established with the Desert District following the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between our two nations. James Bornstein, the First Secretary of Desert District who is the nation's head of state signed the treaty on behalf of their government. The two nations have been into contact since August 2020 and have maintained informal relations since then. The communication between the nations strained in November 2020 however were negotiated back last month following which the formal relations were established. The First Secretary James Bornstein was bestowed with the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit in the grade of Member First Class as a part of the National Day Honours 2021 on 15 April 2021 for his contributions towards the establishment of relations between the two nations. Desert District, which is a presidential republic with the First Secretary as the nation's head of state is a self-declared sovereign nation which was founded on 10 June 2020 and is currently a full member of the Cupertino Alliance since October 2020 and an observer of the Grand Unified Micronational since March this year.

On 6 April, formal bilateral relations were established with the Empire of Ovrestlia, a self-declared sovereign state which declared its independence from the Hellenic Republic on 18 July 2019 and is a member nation of the League of Hellenistic Micronations of which Vishwamitra is an observer nation. The relations were established following the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between the two nations and was signed on their behalf by the Emperor Thomas Marios I and Prime Minister George Kligatsis. The Emperor Thomas Marios I was appointed as a Member First Class in the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit as a part of the National Day Honours 2021 on 15 April 2021 for his contributions towards the establishment of relations between the two nations. Ovrestlia is a parliamentary constitutional diarchy with the emperor as the nation's head of state.

The State of Vishwamitra established formal bilateral and diplomatic relations with the Empire of Angyalistan on 16 April following the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between the two nations. The treaty was signed on 8 March 2021 and was implemented on 16 April. Angyalistan is a self-declared sovereign state from France which declared independence on 31 January 1999 and proclaimed sovereignty on 7 October 2000 and is an absolute monarchy with Emperor Olivier I being the first and current emperor. Angyalistan is a member of the MicroFrancophonie.

On 20 April, formal bilateral and diplomatic relations were established with the Cheskgariyan-Litvanian Commonwealth following the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between the two nations. The treaty was signed by the King of Cheskgariya Christian, Grand Duke Frederick of Litvania and the Foreign Secretary Carson Snyder on behalf of the government of the Commonwealth. The two nations have been into contact since February 2021 and had maintained informal relations since then. Cheskgariya-Litvania which is a federal parliamentary elective monarchy with the two autonomous regions of Cheskgariya and Litvania being into an union and the individual sovereigns being co-monarchs of the nation. Soon following the establishment of relations, King Christian of Cheskgariya and Grand Duke Frederick of Litvania were appointed as Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Lotus, the nation's second highest order while the Chancellor of the Commonwealth Charles Burgardt was conferred the Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the Vishwamitra for their contributions in the establishment of relations between the two nations. In reciprocation, the Rashtradhyaksh was granted the Commonwealth's second highest order, the Order of the White Eagle as Grand Collar and the Cross of Saint Stephen as Knight. The Cheskgariyan-Litvanian Commonwealth is an observer nation of the Grand Unified Micronational.

On the same day as on 20 April, the State of Vishwamitra established formal bilateral and diplomatic relations with the Revalian Kingdom which is a constitutional monarchy and the first Estonian micronation to have established ties with Vishwamitra. The formal relations were established with the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between the two nations. The Regent Sander Koff, who ascended on the throne on 26 April signed the treaty on behalf of the Revalian government. Soon after the establishing of relations, the Regent granted their nation's second highest order, the Order of Freedom as a Grand Cross on the Rashtradhyaksh while the Rashtradhyaksh reciprocated the Royal Order of the Crown of Vishwamitra as a Knight Grand Cross for his contributions for establishing bilateral relations. Revalia is an observer nation of the Cupertino Alliance.

Formal bilateral relations with the Humanitarian Empire and Realm on 23 April following the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between the two nations. The Lord of the Empire Tony T. Williams who is the nation's head of state signed the treaty on behalf of their government. The two nations have maintained informal relations since December last year.

Bilateral relations with the Technocratic Republic of Theodia were established on 25 April with the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between the two nations. Vishwamitra unilaterally recognized Theodia as a sovereign state on 23 February 2021 through a royal decree. Theodia is a self-declared nation which was founded as a monarchy on 22 April 2010 and became a republic in July 2013; and its current provisional government was declared on 28 June 2015. The current head of state is Swena and is currently titled as the Founder of the Nation.

Historic relations were established with the Empire of Austenasia on 26 April following the signing of a treaty of mutual recognition between the two nations. Emperor Jonathan I signed the treaty on the behalf of the Austenasian government. Austenasia, alongside the Republic of Molossia were the first nations to be unilaterally recognized by Vishwamitra as sovereign states following its decision to enter into diplomatic relations back in August 2019. Emperor Jonathan was conferred the Order of the Lotus as a Grand Cross as a part of the New Year's Honours 2021 and the Royal Order of the Crown of Vishwamitra as a Knight Grand Cordon this National Day. Austenasia is a constitutional parliamentary monarchy and had declared its independence from the United Kingdom in September 2008 and is one of the most professional and highly recognized micronations. It is one of the initial members of the Grand Unified Micronational.

Bilateral and diplomatic relations were re-established with the Kingdom of Begon on 29 April, three days after the rupture of relations following its joining the union with the Normano-Nichish Kingdom on 26 April 2021. The two nations have had maintained relations since 26 January 2021. The re-establishment of relations ensue the close cooperation and strong relations that exist between the two nations. Begon is a North-American self-declared nation which is a semi-constitutional monarchy.

Currently, diplomatic talks are undergoing with Poplar Nerva and the Würtege Empire with whom bilateral relations are expected to be established soon.

Stay tuned to the Purvanchal Times for further updates.



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