Rajagriha, 12 February 2023: The first Group of 16 or the G16 Summit was successfully hosted by the State of Vishwamitra yesterday, Saturday 11th February 2023 virtually. The inception summit has been termed to be an immense success and a diplomatic achievement as it is so far the biggest gathering ever of foreign heads of state, government, foreign ministers in any summit hosted by Vishwamitra.

The summit, which was planned in a very less time under the leadership of Rashtradhyaksh Dhrubajyoti Roy, was attended by the delegates and representatives from 16 nations including Vishwamitra. Initially planned to be a group of 20, representatives from four other nations failed to finalise their presence or had to decline the invitation under different circumstances.
The theme of the event finalised by the Government of Vishwamitra was "One Family - One Value - Shared Destinities" under the global banner of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - The world is one family" concept. The various topics selected included sustainable growth and development, role of culture in micronations, personal relations between the leaders and beyond micronationalism.

The summit which was chaired by His Illustrious and Royal Majesty the Rashtradhyaksh, was moderated by the two Deputy Prime Ministers - First Deputy Prime Minister Princess Sarala and Second Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Lacey-Scott, who was conferred the Darjah Rajkutumbha Pratama, Purvanchal or the DK II of Purvanchal for his enormous contributions to the nation. The summit was attended, on behalf of Vishwamitra, by Uparashtradhyaksh Bishnu Chetry, Basistha Rajpramukh Anoushkaa Patranabish, Prime Minister Farhaz Hazarika, Federal Affairs and Administration Minister W. Pranit Singh, I&B Minister Johannes Mattias Toome. External Affairs Minister Rafe Burfield who was stalled to deliver the vote of thanks had to cancel his presence following an emergency surgery.

Representatives from all other 15 participant nations and guest nation, Baustralia were present at the summit. 12 nations including Vishwamitra, were represented at a head of state level delegation, 2 nations by their heads of government and 2 by their respective foreign ministers.
Arsalania, a fellow South Asian micronation, was represented by a three-member delegation comprising Supreme Leader Arsal Abbas Mirza, Senior Minister Muhammad Abdullah Qaisar, and Federal Cabinet Secretary & Federal Education and Technology Minister Ahsan Adil Mirza; Austenasia, one of the most reputed micronations was represented by Emperor Jonathan I; Duckionary was represented by Archduke Arthur C. de Tourneau who was seen wearing his naval outfit; Flandrensis was represented by Foreign Minister Eduard Boada in place of Grand Duke Nicholas I who had initially confirmed his presence but had to cancel his presence due to last minute engagements; Imvrassia was represented by Mesazon Daniel Racovolis who is also the nation's head of government; Kaleido was represented by King Sanghaya; Lehmark by a three-member delegation comprising Emperor and Autocrat William Lehman I, Imperial Chancellor Lady Anni Crowhurst, and Foreign Minister Tebbeck Thrupney; Lundenwic by Prime Minister Mike Lewis, Marquis of New Charter; New Athens by King Tyler Mullins I; Pibocip by Foreign Minister Prince Phillip Joseph Pillin; Queensland by King and Supreme Head of the Nation Albert; Sancratosia by Sovereign Princess Cloe; Snagov by President Stefan Marius Snagoveanu; Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land by President Adrian Wojtasz and Ambassador Mariusz Kierasinski; and Zenrax by Emperor Shiro. Guest nation of Baustralia was represented by Secretary of State for Maintenance Manggala Alif Prasetia inplace of King John.
The summit discussion began with a bilingual moderation carried out by the two Deputy Prime Ministers, with Princess Sarala speaking in Hindi and her counterpart Arthur Lacey-Scott carrying out the moderation in English. The opening remarks were delivered by Prime Minister Farhaz Hazarika whose speech highlighted the ambitions of his government and that of Rashtradhyaksh Dhrubajyoti Roy. He mentioned about the Indian culture and his special place for humble guests - "Atithi Devo Bhava: - God is our guest". Among the first speakers were the delegates from Lehmark and Mesazon Daniel Racovolis from Imvrassia. The rest of the speakers spoke in the alphabetical order of their micronations.
Wide range of the speakers spoke on the role of culture in their respective nations which selective few also adding visual presentations. The Prime Minister of Lundenwic Mike Lewis mentioned about the culture, language, and cuisine in Lundenwic which helped to provide a great information on Lundenwic. Prince Phillip of Pibocip spoke on Micronational Friendship and Allies, while the delegation from Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land spoke on Polish micronations and how it evolved as a subject of academic research work. Cloe of Sancratosia spoke on languages in micronations and the special role of lingua Nova franca in her micronation, while the delegation from Lehmark spoke extensively on their government and structure. President Snagoveanu from Snagov placed emphasis on people learning on the Snagovian culture and the Snagov Lake, while King Tyler Mullins of New Athens mentioned about the various efforts to promote trade with other nations and several upcoming projects undertaken by them. Shiro of Zenrax spoke on micronational sovereignty and territoriality, while King Albert of Queensland welcomed all to visit Thailand and spoke on the Thai micronational community. All of the speakers except Albert of Queensland spoke in English while King Albert spoke in Thai language and the same was translated for the others in English.
At the end of the formal remarks, Rashtradhyaksh Dhrubajyoti Roy chaired a formal discussion and proposed for the formal establishment of G16 foundation of all round development and proposed for the regular chairing of G16 meets by the other member nations and a further increase in the G16 family. He also spoke on promotion of culture and arts by each individuals in their respective macronations. At the end, a vote of thanks was presented by Her Majesty the Rajpramukh of Basistha Anoushkaa Patranabish.